Current projects

When Covid-19 struck in March 2020, there was an immediate impact in Kipkelion – not just from the disease but also from Kenya’s national lockdown which brought economic hardship to many families.  In addition, schools in Kenya were closed in 2020 for two terms and many children, especially girls, dropped out of education altogether.

We are now working with the local community to restore what was lost.  Currently a high priority is to help bring the Covid-19 vaccines to the remote areas of Kipkelion.  The vaccines have been donated by foreign governments, but distributing them to all adults living in places like Kipkelion is a logistical challenge.  We are providing medical refrigerators, cool boxes and transport so that local nurses and health assistants can offer the vaccine to the whole population.

At the same time, our existing programmes are continuing – we are building latrines and water tanks in schools across Kipkelion, providing menstrual hygiene support to thousands of women and girls and continuing the fight against FGM.

We’re able to carry on helping the people of Kipkelion thanks to our partners BCW and their excellent team permanently based in Kipkelion – they do an amazing job!